Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
How to Learn Chair Vs Sit in American Sign Language
In American Sign Language, chair and sit are two of the most common signs used by speakers. They are also two of the most important. Use them wisely and you’ll be well on your way to signing success! Getting Started with ASL To sign chair, bring one hand up about chest height and tuck in…
5 Ways to Get the Most Out of Chair Yoga
Chair pose (Utkatasana) looks easy and straightforward, but it requires a lot of flexibility in the shoulders and stability in the core. It also demands strength in the legs and arms. This is the type of yoga poses that can be challenging to practice, but they are worth the effort when you see the results.…
Choosing a Table Lamp for Your Workspace
When choosing a lamp for your workspace, it’s important to choose one that’s both stylish and functional. While a traditional desk lamp will light up your workstation, a table lamp offers greater versatility and can be used in other areas as well. If you have a large or small desk, choose a lamp that has…
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